Will Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Heal on It’s Own?

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    Cubital Tunnel Syndrome is characterized by its gradual progression, where symptoms may appear, disappear, and then resurface over the years.

    Symptoms and Nature of the Condition

    Patients typically describe experiencing symptoms for a few years, noticing a temporary relief, and then a recurrence of symptoms. This cycle indicates the chronic nature of Cubital Tunnel Syndrome. It’s a condition that, by its very nature, tends to gradually worsen over time.

    Treatment Approaches

    Most treatments focus on prevention, especially from a conservative standpoint. The goal is to avoid positions that exacerbate symptoms. For instance, using pillow splints at night can help prevent the arm from being in a problematic position.

    Understanding Nerve Entrapment

    When dealing with nerve entrapment or compression, it’s crucial to identify the cause. If the entrapment is due to a local mass effect, like a cyst or an inflamed tendon near the nerve, treating these issues can alleviate the nerve symptoms. However, in cases where the compression is due to gradually stiffening soft tissues exerting increased pressure on the nerve, the condition is likely to progress over time.


    In summary, Cubital Tunnel Syndrome is a progressively worsening condition characterized by nerve entrapment or compression in the arm. Treatment focuses on managing symptoms and preventing exacerbation, particularly through conservative measures like avoiding certain arm positions. Understanding the underlying cause of nerve entrapment is crucial in addressing the symptoms effectively.

    Dr. Kyle McClintock

    Dr. Kyle McClintock, an Orthopedic Surgeon with practices in Roseville and Folsom, specializes in the shoulder and elbow, aiding patients in resuming their daily activities.

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